Friday, December 14, 2012

Chaper 8: Segmenting and Targeting Markets

  The importance of marketing segmentation is to help marketers define customers needs and wants more precisely. At Macy's being one of the most famous in the world are very privileged to be located in the heart of New York City and target market is really not specific because of the location customers are range from every ethnic background such as Mexicans,Filipinos,Canadian among many others. Also Macy's has all the requirement needed for a successful segmentation. Identifiabilty and measurability which is  firms is genuinely identifiable and their size measurable,Macy's has been able to expand their brand all over the world and where it's not accessible by store online is a great option to shop.
 Mass Marketing plays a very important role in their marketing technique it is very efficient and profitable.The fact that it is a retail store with high end boutiques and such a wide range of different products from baby clothes to kitchen appliances mass marketing is more suitable for reaching out to customers from all different target groups.
  Positioning occurs when we identify ideal customers perception of a product of a brand,product line or organization in general.Macy's positioning is used as great means to save by encouraging customers to shop more to save on the deals being offered which falls in the category of Price and Quality.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Chapter 11: Developing Managing Products

Macy's being one of the top retailers in the entire world has the advantage of getting the best of the best all the products on the market and seeing that they are not no much into the manufacturing of goods and services they focus solely on Test Marketing which is a limited introduction of a product and a marketing program to determine the reactions of customers in a marketing situation. This is done with fragrances when customers are offered samples to go home and try and if they really like it are given the option to return to the store and purchase the item. One of Macy's strong points is commercialization which is the decision to market the product. Celebrities play a major role in the promoting of the product their faces is highly recognizable and once they are associated with a particular brand customers see the familiarity and will think it's reparable.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chapter 16 : Integrated Marketing Communication

The most important form of marketing strategy is communication. At Macy's emphasis is placed on connecting with every customer.Knowing a customer needs is very integral in the this wonderful process of marketing. With commercials which is prime example for mass media;this is able to  appeal to every age group.When there is a big sale occurring customers enter the store hoping for a magical experience similar to the one that was showcased on television newspaper adverts or just a pop adverts on their computers and mobile devices. With the prevalence of technology is much easier more than ever to reach to audiences all over the world. The whole purpose of integrated marketing communication is secure prospects in the different target audience.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Chapter 10: Product Concept

Macy's is all about the concept of product placing and we are strictly focused on consumer product which by definition is a product brought to satisfy an individuals personal wants.There are almost thousands of individual products in Macy's which caters to a variety of individuals from all walks of life. Seeing that Macy's doesn't manufacture products per say it plays a very important role in getting the right products to the consumers. Name brand watches such as Victorinox Swiss Army,Tissot, Armani,Tag Heuer. Macy's intention is to focus on wide variety of brands which cater to everyone from the baby in the womb to everyone and to the grown and sophisticated. Over the years Macy's has tried to differ themselves from just being a regular department store and more like a place of Magic. The reason I say this is because the minute you walk in the staff is so welcoming and it feels right spending money for authentic products. Macy's is all about branding,because at the end of the day they are making an investment in an item that should really last them a long time. The influence of major celebrities have played an important role in the concept of branding inside the stores.Macy's is home to one of the largest fragrance collection known to mankind and over the years celebrities have brunch out their brand via promoting of their own cologne and perfumes. Lady Gaga,Justin Beiber,Jessica Simpson Taylor Swift and many more have used Macy's has their leading retailer in the launching of their new business ventures.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Chapter 18 Sales and Promotional Selling

 Sales is the foundation of all businesses and at Macy's which  is world re-known for their sales and special deals all year round which is an integral aspect in  consumer sales promotion and this is targeted to the ultimate consumer market.On of the main objective during sales promotion is ensuring costumers are given the opportunity to save or at least feel like they're being  given a special deal. The visitors pass given to tourist at the store or in catalog is a great way to save 10 %. A coupon is a certificate that entitles consumers to  an immediate price reduction when they buy the product. Sales promotion is extremely important to Macy's, it helps to hike up sales it and helps in recognizing new customers. Macy's  loyalty reward program or star rewards program gives customers a chance to save whenever they buy to see actual savings. With the advancement of technology customers are able to get coupons in their email and can definitely have access to in in store.
  Regular Macy's card holders are sent coupons and are always notified when there is a huge sale. When the day arrives for the biggest one day sale customers like to feel like they are shopping for a cause while saving with the implementation of the Thanks For Sharing incentives whenever customers purchase an item in store or online they are given back 10% on a gift card which they get back on a gift card in February of the following year. In order to qualify for this special savings offer they should have Macy's card and also have donated twenty five dollars to the charity of their choice which is most often the AIDS fund.
 Another special  offer Macy's make is a gift with purchase deal and this sometimes is very enticing.Usually free gifts is usually gives reason for customers making that once in a lifetime purchase because they don't want to miss out on the opportunity of a free gift, this is a big part of product packaging for consumers.In Macy's at cosmetics they usually offered a gift if they purchase an item thirty dollars are more. They always want more for less.Who doesn't want to save what they can in these tough times. Providing samples is an excellent part of sales promotion,when customers are offered samples of fragrances they get to try it on for sometime and will eventually fall in love with it and eventually make the investment in the item.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chapter 17 - Advertising and Public Relations

When you see big bright and bold colors the first thing that comes to mind is usually Macy's with a very alluring soundtrack for the one day sale,customers hear this sound and instantly they know it has something to do with Macy's.  Macy's spend close to 1 billion dollars a year on advertising and their method of advertising is institutional advertising therefore they focus on enhancing the company's image rather than a particular product. In some instances where a particular product such as a fragrance is being , marketed they use the influence of a celebrity.Over the years has been a host for many celebrities such as Rihanna,Lady Gaga,Beyonce,Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj over the years this has been a very good source of advertising their music has been an influential media in spreading the word and they have millions of followers.
  Macy's advertising technique tends to focus on the fun and pleasure of people's life such as family portraits,vacations.after work gatherings. They appeal to every demographic.
Macy's use all media in their advertising ; newspapers,magazines,radio and television. The simple yet but unnoticeable is on the issue of every receipt paper. Walking around the store you'll see the same image that you've seen on the commercials and you are instantly reminded the reason you fell in love in the first place. During the busiest season such as The 4th of July and the Christmas season, commercials are more family oriented and this is when they encourage customers to shop for their family at large.
As for Macy's online it created a global vision and was able to connect with people all over the world.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Chapter 15: Retailing

 Macy's Herald Square is the largest department store in the world  located in the heart of Manhattan which it makes it one of the most  popular tourist attraction. The most frequent visitors are natives from South America, Brazil particularly who visit all year round. There are 9 and a half shopping floors inside Macy's 34th Street. On the main floor where it's usually the busiest includes all the main name brands in handbags,cosmetics, jewelry both fine and fashion jewelry fragrances and also men's accessories  On the main floor I strongly believe that's the focal point of the entire store,that is where all the magic happens. It smells really vibrant because of the mixture off all the different types of fragrances and music is being played so it's a very upbeat and fast pace environment. This is not the most organized of all floors seeing that it's the busiest however the area that you'll find the most organization is definitely in the fine watches and fine jewelry area seeing that less traffic flows through there area except for when there's a huge sale and it's the holiday season.
  Macy's employees are referred to as associates and are easily identified because the uniform is strictly black attire from head to toe. Here at Macy's customer and personnel service is our number one priority making customers feel welcomed and appreciated which is a very important aspect of retailing.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making

  Freedom to choose in our society. Technology has influenced decision making in allowing it be a little bit harder with similar products being offered online at a lower price.Moreover  everyone has their preference and at Macy's they recognize individuality and try to help the best way possible, at the closure of a sale the customer will then decide how beneficial is buying this product whether for long time or short term. With wide variety of options and other factors that may influence the decision such cost,quality. Another great thing with Macy's is their impeccable easy return and exchange policy so that when a customer buys a product and isn't completely satisfied they can exchange it for another product that better suits them. Sales associate often help with the decision making process in order to minimize returns but the decision is ultimately up to the customer after all they are the ones that are gonna be living with it.
Customers are given many saving opportunities and this in many ways influence their decision these may be the routine Macy's shoppers who get notified when a sale is going on or a special promotion.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Chapter 5:Developing A Global Vision

Macy's is one of the most recent companies to  go global ,they recently announced they are going to be shipping international along with their sister company Bloomingdales. What is global marketing? Marketing that targets throughout the world. Macy's launched their website to connect more with customers on an international level customers now have the option to order and purchase merchandise and shipped to different areas of the world. American retail is being exported which is good for the economy and promotes good commerce. It is said that selling outside of the US influenced growth and build upon existing customers.
Macy’s announced  the launch of international shipping on its e-commerce site,, to 91 destinations around the world covering select locations in Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, North and South America. With the commencement of overseas shipping,’s international customers will be able to shop a broad assortment of apparel for him, her and the kids, as well as jewelry, home products and more. To implement this customer service initiative designed to extend the global reach of the brand’s one-stop online shopping destination, Macy’s partnered with FiftyOne, the leading provider of international e-commerce services and infrastructure to U.S. retailers.(Fifty One)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment

Macy's shopping environment is located in the middle of Manhattan with big red logo it's very recognizable stores in the city for it's convenient location,close to the other shopping areas and famous tourist spots.

The social factors affecting Macy's are the wide variety of merchandise available in store and on the store's website. Macy's has developed four customer lifestyle promotions for men and women in the demographic with the goal of turning better understanding into improved product selection, marketing and in-store merchandising( The customers are pleased with the idea that everything is accommodated in the same surroundings such as suitcases and furniture on the 9th Fl,women's on the 8th Floor at Macy's Herald Square in particular. It's one of the most popular tourist destination in the city and due to the vast numbers each year,sales and revenue they are provided with multiple amounts of  opportunities and special saving offers. It is also a family environment.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Chapter 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility

What is ethics in a business environment?Ethics is the moral principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an individual or group. The Loss prevention Department in Macy's over the years in Macy's Herald Square has a strong ethic and social responsibility for both customers and employees.Macy's Herald Square has one of the finest security detail in business of retail. The products of Macy's and genuine and it is appreciated by customers. Sales associate always have to keep in mind that the customers are always first which makes it for flawless customers to return and exchange items without any penalty.
What is the social responsibility of Macy's,they uphold economic responsibility seeing that they are very profitable and profit is the foundation on which the all the responsibilities rest. Magic training is done twice a year so the associate are equipped with knowledge to maximize sales.  Legal Responsibility is the purpose of upholding the law,law is society's codification of right and wrong. In Macy's with a quick called of 7911 you can report any suspicious behavior. "If you see something,say something"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chp 2- Strategic Planning For Competitive Advantage

"The Magic Of Macy's" this is the slogan that customers relate to while shopping in the world's largest department store. Over the years Macy's Herald Square has become geniuses with strategic marketing plan with constant rewards for every from all around the world to shop. Strategic planning is the managerial process of creating and maintaining a fit between the organization's objectives and resources and evolving the market activities.
 Macy's Herald Square has made it very convenient for consumer to find their way throughout the store because of how well organized the items are. Until recently May's had 3 different shoes department and now everything is compile into one. The strategic planning was a display of implementation which in turn has enabled customers to trust them. Macy's mission statement is to provide excellent retail services and to keep evolving into long term employment.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Brief History

Macy’s, Inc. History

Eighty-one years ago on the morning of March 6, 1929, millions of Americans opened their edition of The New York Times to find a headline that would send the business and retail world into a spin of excited chatter and speculation - "Abraham & Straus and Filene's to Unite." The announcement marked the beginning of the evolution of what was to become one of the largest and most influential corporations in retail history.
Federated Department Stores, Inc. (renamed Macy's, Inc. in June 2007) was born through the combination of Abraham & Straus of Brooklyn, Filene's of Boston, F&R Lazarus & Co. of Columbus, OH, and Bloomingdale's of New York. Each of these retailers was an established, prominent presence with a rich history of its own. In joining together, they agreed to maintain their separate identities while linking their financial interests. These pioneers recognized the immense opportunity that lay before them and on November 25, 1929, Federated Department Stores was incorporated as a revolutionary new company in American retail.

The World's Largest Store

Mission Statement

My company is Macy's ."Our goal is to be a retailer with the ability to see opportunity on the horizon and have a clear path for capitalizing on it. To do so, we are moving faster than ever before, employing more technology and concentrating our resources on those elements most important to our core customers. "